Sinoway publishs product list for CPhI China 2023
Jun , 16 2023
CPhI China 2023 will be held in Shanghai on Jun.19-21, 2023. In Jun. 15, Sinoway published the product list for this exhibition. Please click the button below to get the latest products. We Sinoway si...
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Differences between synthetic and natural astaxanthin
May , 22 2023
Astaxanthin powder /oil (CAS No.: 472-61-7)can be obtained from both natural and synthetic sources. Here's a comparison between natural and synthetic astaxanthin: Source: Natural astaxanthin is derive...
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Advantages of astaxanthin industry in China
May , 22 2023
China is one of the largest producers and exporters of astaxanthin in the world. The country has a well-established astaxanthin industry and is known for its production of this natural pigment. In Chi...
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Astaxanthin: 6 benefits for health
May , 22 2023
Astaxanthin (CAS No.: 472-61-7) offers several health benefits due to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Here are some potential health benefits of astaxanthin: Powerful antioxid...
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Astaxanthin benefits for skin
May , 22 2023
Astaxanthin (CAS No.: 472-61-7)is a natural pigment and powerful antioxidant that belongs to the carotenoid family. It is found in certain marine organisms, such as microalgae, salmon, krill, and shri...
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CDMO Projects from Continuous Flow Technology
May , 22 2023
Continuous flow technology is becoming a strategic investment field of the world pharmaceutical group and CDMO. Large international pharmaceutical groups have applied continuous flow technology to the...
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Natural astaxanthin has obvious anti-inflammatory advantages
May , 10 2023
Many studies have shown that astaxanthin has positive effects on inflammation. Astaxanthin can inhibit a variety of inflammatory factors, including tumor necrosis factor that causes tumors, inflammato...
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Why does natural astaxanthin have outstanding advantages in terms of biosafety?
May , 10 2023
There are two methods -- chemical synthesis and natural extraction for the production of astaxanthin. When astaxanthin is synthesized by chemical means, impurity chemical substances, such as unnatural...
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Astaxanthin has broad application prospects in functional foods
May , 10 2023
Astaxanthin, is an oxygen-containing derivative of carotenoids contained in shrimp and crab shells, oysters, salmon and certain algae, which can effectively quench active oxygen and has a relatively s...
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