In terms of functional ingredients, Ashwagandha had the highest growth rate at 165.5%, followed by shiitake mushrooms and dandelion at 65% and 60.6%, respectively, according to a study of dietary supplements in the United States.
Shiitake mushrooms are a common ingredient and are nutritious, containing all the essential amino acids, iron, and B vitamins. The beta-glucan in shiitake mushrooms has been shown to trigger the production of T cells and natural killer cells, which can help boost the body’s immunity and also help the body adapt and respond to environmental stress.
Dandelion is also a very popular health care raw material in the European and American markets. It has many functions such as anti-oxidation, assisting in lowering blood sugar, enhancing immunity, promoting digestion, protecting liver and gallbladder.
In addition, nootropics, adaptogens, superfoods, melatonin, caffeine, vitamin D, green superfoods also saw some growth, while CBD and vitamin C saw sales decline.